NexGuard™ is an earthquake-resistant and very climate-tolerant fibre-blend that also reduces 70 percent of the cement used to make concrete with an eco-friendly byproduct instead. Our NexGuard™ blend provides a proprietary mixture that excels by being a unique secondary reinforcement that is engineered to be easily workable with seismic retrofit technologies such as Shotcrete.

In fact, NexGuard™ exceeds all the benchmarks of steel-reinforced concrete with only a 10-millimeter-thick (0.4 inch) layer. Additionally, for retrofitting, this is enough to reinforce existing interior walls and support structures making them able to withstand seismic events of 9.0 on the Richter scale.

NexGuard™  has been specifically developed to be used globally for a multitude of uses in concrete, including: Seismic Repair of structures especially those with severe surface defects. Seismic Retrofitting in Schools & Buildings ■ Seismic Retrofitting on Bridges and Infrastructure ■ Shotcrete & Seismic Spray Retrofitting Applications ■ Commercial Slabs-On-Ground ■ Precast Products ■ Blast and Impact Resistant Structures ■ 3-D Printing GET QUOTE  | DETAILED USAGE SHEETOTHER PRODUCTS


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AtlantisFiber™ offers cost-effective solutions to help enhance existing concrete with crackage and shrinkage control, effectively reducing overall cracking by 90% and reducing the build and lifespan-cost of a project. Our Fiber Blend also works to reduce the weight, to make the concrete earthquake-resistant, and be very climate tolerant. It all works because when the concrete tries to crack — which is common in an earthquake and extreme climate zones — the fibers intercept the crack and act like internal Band-Aids. Learn more about AtlantsFiber™here.